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Planning Board Minutes 09/23/2013
Planning Board
Preliminary Meeting Minutes –
Recorded by Sharon Rossi
September 23, 2013

Members present:  RMarshall, JFletcher, PRenaud, KO’Connell, AMoon,

7:07 p.m.  Minutes
PRenaud began reading the September 9, 2013 meeting minutes.  No substantive changes were made.  JFletcher motioned to accept the minutes as amended.  PRenaud seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.

7:17 p.m. Mail Received:
·       SWRPC Brochure: Broadband Plan: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 Public Forum
·       Copy of DES letter advising of an Alteration of Terrain Bureau Permit Application for Greenfield Town Pit – Forest Road

7:20 p.m. Budget
RMarshall received a note from APatt about the Planning Board budget. KO’connell suggested that Legal/Professional be two separate lines.  He’d like to have a legal capital reserve fund created for the Town where money is raised and then used on ‘an as needed basis.’  This account would be a legal rainy day fund to be used and replaced.  RMarshall commented that he likes having the two items together because it allows flexibility in use.  

RMarshall commented that he would like to increase the budget to accommodate two new committees EDAC and potentially the Neighborhood Heritage District Advisory Committee, should that ordinance pass at Town Meeting. He said that these expenses could be funded through the legal/professional services line or another line might be created.

In going over the budget, RMarshall commented that the budget doesn’t reflect the grant reimbursements that has been received.  AMoon asked, “Why isn’t the grant money being counted back to the Planning Board?”  RMarshall said he would to check with the Catherine Shaw.  He will have a final draft of budget for Planning Board to review at the October 7 meeting.

7:40 Report on Sept 14 Meeting
RMarshall spoke about the Community Conversation Neighborhood Heritage District meeting on September 14. He handed out a community conversation sheet listing all the comments from the attendees and a flow chart of how the NHDAC would operate.  There were thirty-two attendees, 4 Girl Scouts and a n adult supervisor as babysitters. MSteir and Lisa Murphy attended as well.  

In addition to feedback on the proposed ordinance, participants urged the following:
·       Traffic is becoming a serious problem in the village.  We need to explore traffic control options:  speed bumps/tables, crosswalks, etc.
·       Restore funding to mail the Greenfield Spirit.
·       How do we promote activities for resident children?
·       Restore funding for a Recreation department.

PRenaud asked, “Is present NHDAC committee going to continue if the ordinance is passed?”  RMarshall said when he asked the current members to be on the advisory committee it would be for one year of service. He said a new NHDAC committee will have to be created if the ordinance passes. PRenaud said that EDAC is considering RSA 79-E:5 (Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive) to be presented to selectmen and wants to know if the NHDAC could partner with EDAC to work on getting this as a working ordinance.  RMarshall said APatt is preparing an application for planning charette for next spring to begin pursuit of the second request that citizens made in the Vision statement i.e. promotion of economic development in the village/town.  RMarshall will be working closely with him.   

8:30 p.m. CIP
PRenaud presented the draft of the CIP spreadsheet. Minor corrections/additions were proposed to commentary at the bottom of individual sections.

A discussion ensued about the Meeting House.
RMarshall,   “It seems like each year we are trying to patch up something else at the Meeting House. This year it is furnaces, hot water heaters etc. I question whether or not we should be throwing small amounts of money at the problem. We have to do something for the Meeting House. Since I know of no plan in place and no large capital fund raising has been done, the onus is on us, the Planning Board, to raise this issue in this CIP. KO’Connell said, “We have to impress on the townsfolk how this historic building is showing up in various magazines, how it is very valuable to us. The Meeting House represents Greenfield.”   RMarshall said  “We need to create a comprehensive plan to restore the Meeting House and begin a major public/private fund raising effort to complete the plan. The Meeting House personifies Greenfield and it needs to be restored and saved. I’d like to see us make a comment to this effect in this report”.  

RMarshall thanked PRenaud for his work and commented that he has handled this CIP report very well.  

9:08 p.m. EDAC-Zoning Considerations
PRenaud, EDAC Chairperson presented two suggestions for potential industrial re-zoning.

One proposal calls for expansion of the industrial overlay into several adjacent lots to the current industrial overlay in the New Boston Road/Forest Road area of town, comprising approximately 37 acres.
In the northern part of town, a second proposal suggests use of land abutting the current industrial overlay that has frontage on Sawmill Road and proceeds south to Crotched Mountain Rd.  This area contains approximately 100 acres. PRenaud will compile EDAC’s commentary/recommendation concerning the industrial ordinance proposal and present it to the Board on November 7, 2013.

9:33 p.m. RWilliams PCC continuation
RMarshall asked RWilliams to comment about his meeting with the Lyndeborough Planning Board.  RWilliams said the Lyndeborough Planning Board is in agreement that I need to get the access from 88 Mayers Road.  Lyndeborough is prepared to “pledge 250’ from 88 Mayer Road lot to the lot in Greenfield”.  RWilliams said, “Once I do that, it is permanent, and can’t switch back. However, the reason I am here is that I don’t want to get snagged up on a technicality.  I wanted some discussion on their wording and Greenfield’s wording.  Clarity is what I need.

KO’Connell said still you need frontage, 250’ on a class V road in order to build. He asked, “What is the terminology that Lyndeborough is using and where are they getting it from?”  PRenaud asked, “What is ‘pledging?’  RMarshall said that we have to contact town counsel concerning the language, pledging vs merging, and what steps need to be taken that will protect the applicant, RWilliams and assure that he can get a building permit in Greenfield when he is ready.

RWIlliams said Lyndeborough Planning Board said to go back to the surveyor and add a #5 note saying that RWilliams pledged 250’ at 88 Mayers Road, have is signed by the surveyor, get it certified and he would be good to go from their perspective.   

RWilliams was in agreement that the Planning Board should consult with Town Counsel, and once the Planning Board knows how to proceed, then, I can request a joint meeting.

RMarshall said when we get what we need from Town Counsel and have the steps that need to be taken to get this pledging/merging done for RWilliams, we’ll either schedule a joint meeting, or have individual meetings to get the approval for this for him.  RMarshall will communicate the attorney’s findings to RWilliams.  He advised that the costs for the consultation will be paid by RWilliams.  This is all to make sure you are protected.

10:28 p.m. Adjournment
PRenaud motioned to adjourn. KO’Connell seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.